- 2009-08-11 16:54
赵景柱,男,博士、研究员、博士生导师、中国青年科技奖获得者、国家杰出青年科学基金获得者。现任全国环境管理标准化技术委员会副主任委员、中国生态经济学会副理事长、《International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology》及《International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability》编委。在国内外学术刊物上发表论文 60余篇。
1991年: 中国科学院研究生院获理学博士学位
1985年: 国防科技大学获理学硕士学位
1982年: 大连轻工学院获理学学士学位
与成果1. 李文华,赵景柱(主编). 生态学研究回顾与展望. 2004,北京:气象出版社.
2. 李文华,欧阳志云,赵景柱(主编). 2002. 生态系统服务功能研究. 气象出版社.
3. 赵景柱,欧阳志云,吴钢(主编). 1999. 社会-经济-自然复合系统可持续发展研究. 中国环境科学出版社.
4. 赵景柱,叶田祥. 1995. 对策论理论与应用. 中国科学技术出版社.
5. Xiaoqing Shi, Jingzhu Zhao, Zhiyun Ouyang. Assessment of eco-security in the Knowledge Grid e-science environment. The Journal of Systems and Software, 2006, 79:246-252.
6. Jingzhu Zhao, Wenhua Liu, Hongbing Deng. The potential role of virtual water in solving water scarcity and food security problems in China. The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 2005, 12 (4):419-428.
7. Wen-hua Liu, Jing-zhu Zhao, Zhi-yun Ouyang, Leif Söderlund, Guo-hua Liu. Impacts of sewage irrigation on heavy metal distribution and contamination in Beijing, China. Envionment International, 2005, 31(6):805-812.
8. Guang-ming Duan, Jing-zhu Zhao, Guo-hua Liu, Eco-environmental benefit assessment of China’s South-north Water Transfer scheme—the middle route project. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2004, 16(2): 308-315.
9. Gang Wu, Zhongxuan Zhou, Jingzhu Zhao. Effect of intercropping distance on crop yield in a agroforestry system in the Huang- huai-hai plain, China. Forests,Trees and Livelihoods,2003, 13(1):1-10.
10. Jing-zhu Zhao, Yi Sun, Guang-xin Bai, Gang Wu, Guofan Shao. Certainties and uncertainties of land cover statistics in China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2003, 15(4): 520-524.
11. Gang Wu, Han Xiao, Jingzhu Zhao, Guofan Shao, Jing Li. Forest ecosystem services of Changbai Mountain in China. Science in China (Series C). 2002, 45(1): 21-32.
12. Gang Wu, Jing Wei, Hongbing Deng, Jing Li, Jingzhu Zhao. Sustainable development pattern and the strategy in the Three Gorges Reservoir Areas. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2002, 14(1): 83-87.
13. Jingzhu Zhao, Gang Wu, Yingmin Zhao, Guofan Shao, Hongmei Kong, Qi Lu. Strategies to combat desertification for the twenty-first century in China. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 2002, 9(3):292-297.
14. Jingzhu Zhao, Johannes Baptist Opschoor. Indicator system and evaluation framework for sustainable development. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 1999, 11(4):492-497.
15. Zhao J,Kuik O, Verbruggen H, Opschoor JB. On the indicator of weak sustainability. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 1995, 7(4): 506-510.
16. 严岩, 赵景柱, 王延春, 罗祺姗. 中国耕地资源损失驱动力分析. 生态学杂志, 2005, 24(7): 817-822.
17. 赵景柱, 段光明, 任子平, 邓红兵, 吴钢. 生态环境对经济系统贡献的相对价值评估研究. 环境科学, 2004, 25(5): 1-4.
18. 赵英民,赵景柱,丁丁. 我国环保产业面临的挑战和对策研究. 宏观经济研究,2003, (4):45-48.
19. 赵景柱,赵英民,柯兵. 中国环境与贸易的对策探讨. 经济研究参考, 2003, (29):16-23.
20. 赵景柱,徐亚骏,肖寒,赵同谦,段光明. 基于可持续发展综合国力的生态系统服务评价研究 — 13个国家生态系统服务价值的测算. 系统工程理论与实践研究. 2003, 23(1):121-127.
21. 赵景柱,丁丁,徐亚骏,肖寒,段光明.可持续发展综合国力的理论分析. 环境科学,2003, 24(1):1-7.
22. 孔红梅, 赵景柱, 吴钢, 马克明. 生态系统健康与环境管理. 环境科学, 2002, 23(1):1-5.
赵景柱, 肖寒, 吴钢. 生态系统服务的物质量与价值量评价方法的比较分析. 应用生态学报, 2000, 11(2):290-292.